Fact Check: Manmohan Singh Tweet Against PM Modi. No, The Account Is Fake

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The Logical Indian Crew

Fact Check: Manmohan Singh Tweet Against PM Modi. No, The Account Is Fake

Former PM Dr Manmohan Singh does not have any Twitter account. The tweet made in his name is from a parody account.

A screenshot of a tweet in the name of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh is viral on social media. The tweet criticises Prime Minister Modi. It has been written in hindi which says, "जो आदमी BSNL नहीं चला सका, जो रेलवे स्टेशन नहीं चला सका, जो एयरपोर्ट नहीं चला सका और अंधभक्त कहते वह देश चलाएगा." Its English translation reads, "The man who could not run BSNL, who could not run the railway station, who could not run the airport and a blind devotee says he will run the country..!".

While sharing this screengrab of the purported tweet, a Facebook user wrote in Hindi, "जो पत्नी नही चला सका वो देश के चलाएगा." Its English translation reads, "The one who could not run her wife will run the country."

Image Credit: Facebook
Image Credit: Facebook

It is being widely shared on Facebook.


Former PM Dr Manmohan Singh made the viral tweet.

Fact Check:

The viral claim is false.

The first and foremost important thing is that former PM Dr Manmohan Singh is not on Twitter. We verified such fake claims earlier as well.

Saral Patel, National Convenor of Social Media Department of Congress, made a tweet on 19 June 2020. In the tweet, he mentioned that if Dr Manmohan Singh or Sonia Gandhi joins Twitter, they will have a verified account, and everyone will be informed about it. It means that Manmohan Singh is not on Twitter yet. Saral Patel did this tweet with the advice to not follow such fake accounts made in their name.

However, we also looked at the account through which the viral tweet was made. It does not have any blue tick. It was written in the bio section of this account that this is a parody account. That is, this is not the official account of Manmohan Singh but a fan page type account.

Image Credit: Twitter
Image Credit: Twitter

Hence, it is evident that the former Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, is not available on Twitter, and a parody account made the viral tweet by his name. Hence, the viral claim is false.

If you have any news that you believe needs to be fact-checked, please email us at factcheck@thelogicalindian.com or WhatsApp at 6364000343.

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Contributors Suggest Correction
Writer : Jakir Hassan
Editor : Bharat Nayak
Creatives : Jakir Hassan

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