Teslas Elon Musk Calls Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions Fascist, Anti-Democratic

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Tesla's Elon Musk Calls Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions 'Fascist, Anti-Democratic'

Musk said that the orders in place, "or as we call it forcibly imprisoning people in their homes are against all their constitutional rights ... and breaking people's freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong."

Tesla Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk on Wednesday, April 29, slammed the government's stay at home orders, calling it a "fascist" action.

The billionaire entrepreneur was speaking on an earnings update for the electric carmaker. He said that he was unsure when Tesla could resume production in California and called the stay at home orders a "serious risk" to the business.

Musk said that the orders in place, "or as we call it forcibly imprisoning people in their homes are against all their constitutional rights ... and breaking people's freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong."

Musk said that the people are going to be very angry about this."People should be allowed to stay in the house and they should not be compelled to leave. But to say that they cannot leave their house and they will be arrested if they do, this is fascist. This is not democratic, this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom!," Musk said.

He added that the lockdowns would cause "great, great harm but not just to Tesla but any company. And while people will weather the storm there are many small companies that will not."

Musk further took to Twitter on Wednesday to express his disapproval of the lockdown and tweeted, "FREE AMERICA NOW."

In another tweet citing a report which said that the lockdown hasn't helped America save lives, he said, "Give people their freedom back!"

Earlier on March 6, the billionaire had said that the panic about the coronavirus "is dumb".

Also Read: COVID-19 Pandemic May Put 1.6 Billion People's Jobs At Risk Globally: UN Labour Body
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Editor : Shubhendu Deshmukh
Creatives : Abhishek M

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